Friday, October 10, 2014

Georgia Republicans laud welfare from other U.S. states

Republican politicians are such hypocrites. They claim to be for "fiscal responsibility" and "states rights", but Georgia Republican politicians have lobbied for and laud the agreement by the federal government to fund more than half the cost of the Savannah port. Since this is lauded as so beneficial to Georgians, why aren't we paying for it ourselves? Note that Georgia takes the lowest proportion of taxes from the income of its citizens of any of the states. We are parasites on the rest of the U.S.

By Greg Bluestein and Dan Chapman

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Let the Super Scoop begin.

After twenty years of study, bureaucratic delays, environmental roadblocks and political shenanigans, the deepening of the Savannah River – the state’s most critical development project in decades — could get underway by the end of the year.

State and federal negotiators are putting final touches on agreements covering $706 million worth of environmental, engineering and financial responsibilities that the two will take on.

A boatload of Georgia politicians, including U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, Gov. Nathan Deal and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, will bask in the project’s long-awaited glory Wednesday as the documents are signed.


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